
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Demise of the Pool - Part I

This past weekend my dad came down to help with the house. He spent Saturday morning loading up the rest of the trash from the gazebo and organizing (yes organizing) the trash in the dumpster. By the middle of the afternoon we had the most organized dumpster I have ever seen. It is amazing how much more you can fit into an organized dumpster than one where you just toss things in willy nilly.

 Unfortunately the carpet is blocking the view of the perfectly stacked old wallboard.

All the trash is gone!

As you can see, this weekend included renting a jack hammer in order to start taking apart the pool. This has been a long anticipated moment for us and unfortunately jackhammering does not lend itself to speedy results. Above you can see Adam starting the process.

Here are the boys about an hour or so into jack hammering... The walls of the pool are about a foot thick and since they are trying to jack hammer vertically down it makes it really hard to control the jack hammer. After a few more hours they got one vertical line cut in the concrete and by the next day there was enough done to push a wall down!

Before the wall went down

 And it's down!!

By Sunday afternoon/evening we had the long wall ready to go down but we had to break up the short wall first. Unfortunately we ran out of time with the jack hammer so the rest of the pool will have to wait until later this week to come down.

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